The official Bitcoin Cash’s website defines itself as:

“Bitcoin Cash is peer-to-peer electronic cash for the Internet. It is fully decentralized, with no central bank and requires no trusted third parties to operate.”

It is the results of a bitcoin’s hard fork which took place on the 1st of August 2017 as a result of chain splitting when a certain group of Bitcoin developers were unhappy with Bitcoin’s overall direction of scalability. The Bitcoin Segregated Witness (BTC) feature agreed eight times to increase the potential for bitcoin transactions by making the block size larger by influencing miners, developers and investors.

Thus, Bitcoin Cash is in a position for processing transactions faster than in the Bitcoin network, thus reducing wait times and processing charges. The network Bitcoin Cash can manage several more transactions a second than the network Bitcoin can accommodate. Nonetheless, there are downsides with the quicker processing time for transactions. One potential issue in relation to the larger BCH block size is that protection in the Bitcoin network may be compromised.

Bitcoin Cash Past Events

DateEvent description
18 June 2020 BlockDown Conference
14 May 2020 AMA Livestream
22 April 2020 Teamz Blockchain Summit
16 April 2020 BlockDown 2020
09 April 2020 Istanblock 2020

Bitcoin Cash Upcoming Events

DateEvent description
28 September 2020Teamz Blockchain Summit CONFERENCE